Is Editing a One Way Process

If the world of editorial services is being looked at, then it can be experienced that this industry majorly provides the clients with three kinds of editorial services, namely proofreading, copyediting, and substantive editing. In the first case, minor grammatical, punctuation based and spelling errors are corrected. In the second case, major errors in grammar, spelling, and sentence construction are corrected. In the last case, major revisions in the manuscripts are carried out, i.e. restructuring the sentences and paragraphs, maintaining the flow of thought, and the correcting the errors in previous two cases are carried out. These activities are majorly being carried out by a group of editors, who follow a systematic hierarchical pattern, and his pattern is used as a filtering mechanism for rectifying the errors in the submitted manuscripts. However, in this entire editorial process, the editors have to be in regular contact with the authors of the manuscripts, as based on the set of requirements of the authors and their feedbacks only an editorial process can prove out to be effective and efficient.

In some cases, it may also be possible that during the course of editorial procedure, the intended meaning of the manuscript may get altered, and if this happens, the entire process may go for a toss, causing the editorial team a great deal of loss in terms of time, effort, and money. Therefore, after each and every stage of the editorial process, it is imperative that the revised manuscript should be sent to the author, so that the person can review the changes, and after receipt of a green signal from the author, the next phase can be started. This two way looping mechanism ensures that there are no mistakes in the editorial process, and it enhances the acceptability of the services. For more information about various aspects of an effective editorial process, kindly browse through the pages of

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