3 Most Popular Types of Articles Published in Academic & Scientific Journals

Today, there are plenty of academic and scientific journals out there that publish various kinds of research articles. More often scientific journals tend to publish different kinds of articles (similar kinds of articles that are referred differently) than academic journals do. However, not every journal publishes all kinds of the research article. While some publish original research article, others publish review articles. Hence the type of publication depends on the requirement of the study.

To determine the exact kinds of articles a target journal publishes, a scholar should thoroughly research the journal via its website and go through the latest issues it has published. Generally, most of the academic and scientific journals publish original research articles. Hence such articles occupy a huge portion of the space in a peer-reviewed journal. Many periodicals also publish current news in a domain, authoritative opinions on important issues, etc. The types of research document published by academic & scientific journals can be categorized as:

a) Original research articles - Every academic & scientific journal primarily publishes original research articles. An original research article offers a detailed report of the approaches used to perform original research, the outcomes prevailed through those approaches and the implications of those outcomes. The design of the original article is analytic and includes a defined research question, a hypothesis and how the obtained results prove or disprove the hypothesis. If you need some help in polishing your original research article so as to get it published in your target journal, consider taking help from editors providing journal paper editing services

b) Reviews - Academic and scientific journals publish two types of reviews:

(1) literature reviews, also known as review articles, and

(2) book reviews normally referred to as reviews. Although in general review articles summarise the research, book & literature review article focuses on different aspects.

The depth and length of book review differ among the journals and reviewers, but is usually brief and discusses the latest publication. Journals may also publish an author’s opinion/response to a review of his/her book, especially if the reviewer’s opinion was negative. Such responses are presented as either a brief commentary on the book review or as a letter/note. 

c) Studies and reports of observations - Observational articles are descriptive in nature and answer testing hypotheses and other forms of analysis & interpretation. A case study sheds limelight on problems or issues and provides informed predictions and actions. Scientific and academic journals publish observational article and case studies under various names across different scholarly disciplines.

Whether you are aspiring to publish review article or case studies, if the articles do not adhere to the target scientific or academic journal, they will be rejected in no time. Hence ensure that the articles are perfect. If you require any help in enhancing your article, consider taking some aid from editors delivering top-notch Journal Paper Editing Services.

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